Material Handling Work


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Material Handling Work:

Materials handling is loading, moving and unloading of materials.

To do it safely and economically, different types of tackles, gadgets and equipment are used, when the materials handling is referred to as mechanical handling of materials. Lakhani Engineers provides material handling equipment like various types of conveyor, Electric Over Head Crane, Chain Pulley blocks, Electrical hoists, etc…with minimum economy and maximum output.

Overhead Crane:

We design & manufacture Hand Operate Travelling (HOT) /electrically Operate Travelling (EOT) Crane, Mono rail screen, with manually operated chain pulley block/ electric hoist up to 10 MT capacities.


We undertake the De-silting of sump, intake well, septic tanks, water storage pond set through various techniques. We also do the dredging of river, septic tank, storage pond, ETP tank set.

Material Handling Conveyer:

We undertake supply, installation, testing & commissioning of material handling conveyer as per site requirement. We undertake following types of conveyer work.
• Belt Conveyer
• Chain Bucket Conveyer
• Chain Bucket Elevator